

Can Asians drink alcohol

Updated: 8/19/2022
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14y ago

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Yeah they can but because their body mass is less than the European they cant drink as much

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Q: Can Asians drink alcohol
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What racial group is the least likely to drink alcohol?

In the U.S., Asians and Afro-Americans are the least like to consume alcohol.

Why can you not drink alcohol without feeling dizzy and wanting to vomit?

Most commonly this is from a deficiency of the enzyme that degrades alcohol (alcohol dehydrogenase). This is very common in Asians.

Do Asian people drink alcohol?

Many Asians tend to have a deficiency in Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase which breaks down the acetaldehyde that can accumulate in the brain after consumption of alcohol. This is what gives you the "hang over" affect.

Why do asians turn red when they drink alcohol?

its a genetic condition. there is a inactive enzyme that doesnt function properly to break down a molecule and when that molecule accumalates, it causes red flushes.

Do Asians drink kool aid?

Yes asian people drink kool sid there is nothing wrong with asians drinking kool sid its a nature thing.Its like you drinking a kind of juice, there is nothing wrong with that. asians people also drink Juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea etc.

Does Lee Sungmin drink alcohol?

No. He doesn't like to drink alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol with appendices?

with any illness you shouldn't drink alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol with alinia?

can i drink alcohol while taking alinia

Can you drink rubbing alcohol as an internal disinfectant?

Do NOT Drink Rubbing Alcohol It can cause blindness. Rubbing alcohol is "isopropyl" alcohol, not the same chemical as grain alcohol, ("ethyl" alcohol). Don't drink it! Rubbing alcohol is POISONOUS to drink!

Why do you spit when you drink alcohol?

There is no reason why you would spit when you drink alcohol. If it bothers you, then stop drinking alcohol.

Does Prince Harry drink?

Prince harry does drink alcohol in fact all of the royal do drink alcohol.

When is it not okay to drink alcohol when you are pregnant?

It is NOT OK to drink alcohol when you are pregnant ... period.