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Most factories were located in the North East before the Civil War.

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Q: Before the civil war most factories and mills were located in what region?
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What did factories make before the civil war?


Approximately how many factories were located in the South at the beginning of the Civil War?

202345 factories

Who had nine times as many factories as the other region in civil war?

The North, relative to the South.

Why was the North becoming an industrial region before the Civil War?

Because the land was unsuitable to agricultural pursuits so it was ideal for building factories using the latest innovations in mass production.

Most of the nations factories were located in the ......During the civil war?

North is the direction you seek. Now do the rest of your homework yourself.

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This distinction belongs to the ÃŽle-de-France region where Paris is located.

What did the southern factories make in the Civil War?

There were very few southern factories but they did the same as the north.

What economy dominated the north?

The economy of the North in the United States before the Civil War was dominated by manufacturing, trade, and industry. The region benefited from advancements in technology, transportation infrastructure, and a growing urban population. The North had a more diversified economy compared to the agrarian-based economy of the South.

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