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Q: Atticus said the bravest person he ever knew was?
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She was the bravest person you have ever knew what does this quote mean in the book To Kill a Mockingbird?

This quote from "To Kill a Mockingbird" likely refers to the character of Atticus Finch. Atticus is seen as brave for defending a black man accused of raping a white woman in a deeply racist society, and for instilling values of justice, compassion, and moral integrity in his children in the face of adversity.

Is Harry Potter is the bravest in the Harry Potter movie?

there are a lot of brave people in the series. Harry considers Snape as the "Bravest man I ever knew".

Is there an epitaph for Severus Snape?

There is no known epitaph for Severus Snape, apart from what Harry Potter mentions that he was 'the bravest man he ever knew'.

When Atticus says I wanted you to see what real courage is instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand what does he mean?

Atticus means that real courage is not solely demonstrated through physical strength or violence. Rather, true courage involves standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. He wants his children to understand that courage can also be displayed through moral integrity and compassion.

Why does Jem think Mrs Dubose is the most courageous woman?

Jem think Mrs. Dubose is the most courageous woman because she battled her morphine addiction despite knowing she was dying. He admired her for her determination and strength in fighting against her addiction until her last breath. Her resilience and willpower inspired Jem to understand the true meaning of courage.

Why does miss Maudie believe that appointing attiucs was no accident?

Miss Maudie believes that Atticus was appointed to defend Tom Robinson because he is the best person for the job due to his integrity, wisdom, and fairness. She suggests that the appointment was not a coincidence but a deliberate choice.

How is Atticus courageous in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Atticus stood up for a black man in court in a racist town, even though he knew that he would not win. (Atticus is a lawyer, if you didn't know.)

Who knew scout was eavesdropping?

Atticus is the one that knew that Scout was eavesdropping. Because he knew she was eavesdropping he talked about the prejudice in Maycomb because he thought she should know about it.

Who does Harry Potter say who was the bravest man i knew in deadly hallows?

Answer: It's the Deathly Hallows and it is Albus DumbledorAnswer: He was referring to Severus Snape.

In to the book To Kill a Mockingbird why did judge Taylor choose Atticus to defend tom Robinson?

Judge Taylor chose Atticus to defend Tom Robinson because he knew Atticus was a fair and respected lawyer in the community. Despite the racial tensions in Maycomb, Judge Taylor believed that Atticus would provide a competent and ethical defense for Tom.

What was the childrens reaction to Bob Ewell's testimony?

The children internalize Atticus' admonition not to judge someone until they have walked around in that person's skin

What is Atticus' blessed dictum in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus' blessed dictum in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This means treating others with kindness, empathy, and respect, and is a guiding principle for moral behavior in the novel.