Yes, you can sell them on eBay Yes. If you have an official US Army photo, it may be worth more. Usually these were taken by members of the US Signal Corps and it would be stamped on the front with a logo stating this. What makes them more valuable(or ones like it from other countries) is that it usually had a description of the photo that might include a date, name of the place, an ID of the unit or names of individuals in the photo. Other photos that can be worth money are the group photos of units. These are referred to as "yard-long photos" as the photo could be 26 inches wide to capture about 180 men in the photo. Photos taken in combat are rare and can be valuable. Any photo of some equipment such as a tank or airplane can be of value but it depends on the quality and the details in the photo. For example a photo of the nose art of a bomber is a collectible. Another collectible are German "death cards" or rememberance cards. This small card usually had a photo with the deceased soldier's name and where and approximately when he was killed. It usually did not specify his exact unit as that was classified. The more valuable cards ones that have good, clear photos of a soldier in the SS or paratroopers or other elite unit. Another tip: Sometimes a group of photos or items is more collectable than when they are seperated. A "grouping" helps support the authenticity of the other objects and will bring more value. So it is NOT wise to sepereate a uniform, a photo of the soldier wearing the uniform and a document with the soldier's name on it.
Origional art by Hitler is anywhere from $500 to upwars of $230,000. The highest selling having a gross of over $235,000. Photographs of Hitler are almost impossible to attain, seeing as most of them are catologed in government archives and museums across the globe. Prints of both his artwork and portraits can be found online for very inexpensive prices.
$0.00 who would want to pay for such a thing. It's garbage - not worth one cent.
Depends on what the content of the photos are. Some are worth nothing, others are worth a lot of money. Without knowing what the photos are about, it's pretty much impossible to offer a value.
Type in Then type in: photos of combat during WW1? The Heritage of the Great War (in English and Dutch) see link below ---- There is a website devoted to WW1 - it is an amazing resource on all aspects of the war. It has a Vintage Photo section that covers everything from animals used by the military to the homefront and trenches. It's worth looking at. The website is First World War. You can find the link below listed as Vintage WW1 Photos
no the German does not in vole the world war 1 or 2
A world war ii silver dime set is worth 20 dollars
If they are originals, that is made from the original negatives at the time, yes.
Depends on what the content of the photos are. Some are worth nothing, others are worth a lot of money. Without knowing what the photos are about, it's pretty much impossible to offer a value.
I have pre world war Japanese dollars in $100,$10, and $5. Are they are worth anything? or how do I find out the worth?
hardly anything there are loads of them
I, George Bush, took all the photos during the world war I and world war II.Not a photo i took! I took all the photos !hahahahahahahahahaha
Photo slides of World War I would be worth quite a bit of money depending on their condition and the contents of the photo. High quality photos of the war are somewhat rare due to photography techniques used in the period.
yes see ebay
They are unlikely to be worth a great deal of money. The war was extensively photographed by all participants, with both stills and motion pictures. Unless the photos are exceptionally dramatic or previously unknown depictions of previously unknown or undocumented incidents there is little chance you would find much of a market. The main value of most personal wartime photos would be the sentimental value to the man who took them.
$1 see ebay
Type in Then type in: photos of combat during WW1? The Heritage of the Great War (in English and Dutch) see link below ---- There is a website devoted to WW1 - it is an amazing resource on all aspects of the war. It has a Vintage Photo section that covers everything from animals used by the military to the homefront and trenches. It's worth looking at. The website is First World War. You can find the link below listed as Vintage WW1 Photos
Donate them to a museum if they are authentic. Dollar wise i'd have to say pretty worthless