Yes, but they are legal designations of communities that can set their own councils.
In Theory, they are Native American Nations that have agreed in part to the 14th amendment to be part of the United States, and the land that has been reserved for them stands.
I'm guessing that the four Indian reservations are Tonawanda, Buffalo Creek, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Reservations.
That the Indians move onto reservations and the US would provide them with supplies.
The United States had to find a way to 'deal with' the "Indian Problem" and reservations were formed as a type of concentration camp as a result.
no there are not any Indian reservations near the coast of Texas......but there some in New Mexico and Washington State.
Indian reservations
South Dakota has 8 Indian Reservations. all of which are governed by various Sioux Tribes.
Yes, there are Indian reservations in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine.
55.7 million acres is the total amount of land that reservations cover, all combined.
I'm guessing that the four Indian reservations are Tonawanda, Buffalo Creek, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Reservations.
No Reservations - Apache Indian album - was created on 1993-05-18.
That the Indians move onto reservations and the US would provide them with supplies.
That the Indians move onto reservations and the US would provide them with supplies.
When gold miners began encroaching on Indian territory, there was conflict. In order to negotiate with Indian tribes, the U.S. Government created reservations in compensation for taking significant portions of the territory. As time passed, the reservations became increasingly smaller and relocated to arid lands that proved useless to American farmers. Reservations became somewhat comparable to small countries inside the us, as they were allowed to govern themselves.
Indian reservations wernt exactly like prisons, i suppose the Indians must have liked them if they had a casino in them!!! lol