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Filipinos these days have a mixed variety of races bred into them.

Anthropological studies have found that the original Filipinos were Negritos, which is the name given to several ethnic groups that inhabit isolated parts of south-East Asia.

Throughout history there was a large migration of Austronesian people, also from south-east Asia as well as Oceania. The Austronesian people reproduced with the Negritos, which began a whole new race of Austronesian Negritos (or Austro-Negritos).

Gradually over time other Asian migrants, mostly Chinese, mixed with the Filipino inhabitants, again changing their genetics, creating the early-Filipinos.

Nowadays the majority of Filipinos also carry Spanish, American and Japanese blood.

So, Filipinos are mostly of Asian descent. Though their genetic make-up is extremely diverse, some Filipinos look different from others, depending on which reproduction route their ancestors took.

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12y ago

Filipinos are considered southeast asian geographically. they are just west of micronesia also. This is a very difficult question to answer because of the culture of the filipinos. If you take a look at the original filipinos, they look closer to islanders, they are called negritos, they are dark skinned and curly hair. There is also the austronesian wave of people that came through the Philippines, and settled there, then island hoped to the oceanic islands of today (these are the true islanders pf today in polynesia, micronesia and melanesia). This is why you can find filipinos looking like pacific islanders. But filipinos also have "asian" influence from such places like china, japan, etc. This is due to the philippines being a hotspot trading center of the world, especially when it was colonized by Spain. Since many people used the philippines as grounds for world trade they became very mixed. Today's age, you can take 4 different filipinos and they can all look different because of all the mixes that went on through history. Filipinos not only have asian influence but Spanish and Mexican influence. Spain colonized the philippines for almost 400 years the same way they did Mexico and south america. They also used Mexico for a trade center of the world and took some mexicans brought them to the philippines to work and also did the same with filipinos in mexico. That is why filipinos have Spanish and Mexican influence you can see in their culture. You can also find filipinos that look hispanic or latino becuase of this. Linguistically filipinos are categorized as malayo-polynesian. Culturally they are closer to pacific islanders, or other hispanic countries compared to other Asian countries. It is almost a nationality to be filipino and not an ethnicity nowadays because of the mixtures of peoples the philippines has been through. So to answer this very difficult question of what filipinos really are. Geographically they are a group of islands next to continental asia and influentially they are asian. Through ancestors, linguistics, and cluture they are islanders. Through influence and some culture they have hispanic ties.

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Malayo polynesian is another word for austronesian.

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