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straight bish my dude do ya apush hw

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It was the adopting of women's suffrage.

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Q: Analyze the Movement toward social conservatism following World War 1?
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How has conservatism shaped social policy in the UK?

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The ideology that argued for the restoration of social and religious hierarchies was?


Which ideology opposes increasing government programs to solve social problems?

Conservatism is opposed to increased government programs to solve social problems; I could also mention libertarianism which is even more opposed to government involvement in social problems than conservatism is.

What is conservatism according to edmund burke?

According to Edmund Burke, conservatism is a form of liberalism that should form the basis for social structure, and ought to ensure division of property to all.

What social classes tended to support conservatism?

It is based on tradition and social stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion.

A philosophy during the 1800'sthat supported the traditional order and ressisted political and social change?


During the 1800's a philosophy that supported the traditional order and resisted political and social change?


What sociological perspective would most likely study the new social roles assumed by activists within a social movement?

The conflict perspective would most likely study the new social roles assumed by activists within a social movement. This perspective focuses on power dynamics and inequalities in society, making it well-suited to analyze how activists challenge existing social structures and institutions through their new roles.

What Political philosophy based on tradition and social stability?

Conservatism is a political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of tradition, social stability, and gradual change. Conservatives believe in preserving established institutions and values, viewing them as essential for social order and cohesion. They often advocate for a cautious approach to societal change, prioritizing continuity and stability.

What is Reactive social movement?

A social movement that resists some social change

What demographic changes contributed to the rise of conservatism?

Several demographic changes contributed to the rise of conservatism, including the aging population, suburbanization, and the backlash against liberal social movements such as the civil rights movement and the counterculture of the 1960s. Additionally, economic shifts, such as deindustrialization and the decline of labor unions, also played a role in shaping conservative attitudes and policies.

What has the author Jutta Menschik-Bendele written?

Jutta Menschik-Bendele has written: 'Sozialpsychologie des Rechtsextremismus' -- subject(s): Conservatism, Political psychology, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Conservatism, Social psychology