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George III's desire to maintain a large standing army.

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Q: Aggravating the problems created by the Seven Years' War debt was?
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When was The First Seven Years created?

The First Seven Years was created on 1930-03-01.

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Answer your own essay ¬_¬

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The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the Seven Years war and created peace between Spain, Britain and France.

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I would just be up front and ask why. A lot of the time problems can be solved easily if you have the courage to face it.

What does the bible mean by Egypt having seven good years and seven bad years?

This is talking about food production. Seven good years, ie years of plenty and seven bad years ie years of famine.

What is the solutions to human problems of atheistic existentialism?

Human problems belong to human beings. We have created our own problems, but resist any actions to correct human problems. If I gave a list of solutions we'd be here for 1000 years or more. Existentialism does not play a role.

How many fortnights in seven years?

There are 182 fortnights in seven years.

How many years is fourscore and seven years ago?

fourscore and seven years ago means 87 years ago