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Only 5 years separates a Korean War vet from a WWII vet; the vast majority of WWII soldiers, marines, sailors, and especially pilots fought in Korea. Today an 80 year old man might be a Korean War veteran...and/or a WWII veteran. Vietnam vets would be in their late 50's by now. Many Vietnam War NCOs (Non-Commissioned Officers/Sergeants) & OFFICERS in Vietnam had fought in WWII and/or Korea. The US commanders in Vietnam; GENs Harkins, Westmoreland, and Abrams all fought under GEN Patton during WWII (Westmoreland fought at the Hurtzgen Forest with the 9th ID in WWII).

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When did soldiers from the Korean War first qualify as veterans?

A veteran is considered anyone that has served in the armed forces. Anyone that came back from Korea would have been a Veteran of the Korean War. Once one has received a discharge from the armed forces, they are a veteran.

What time frames are necessary for a veteran to be considered Korean War Era?

1950 ~ 1953

How are Korean people today then they were in the Korean War?

There were Koreans to begin with for Korean War to begin. Without Koreans the war wouldn't happen right?

What does the VA define as a Korean War Veteran?

If a US serviceman served in Korea, or offshore on a US Navy vessel, or flew missions as a US airman in & during the Korean War...he's a Korean War vet. Any discharge paper will reflect those experiences.

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No, they are rumored to be related, but mostly because of their similar physical appearance and singing voice. His father was a strict Marine Corps veteran of World War II and the Korean War[6] who worked as a television repairman.

Is the Korean War really a war?

The Korean War was the first LIMITED WAR fought in the ATOMIC AGE. Limited to the use of CONVENTIONAL Weapons only.

Are you a World War 2 veteran if you joined in 1946?

No, the war ended in August of 1945. If the person stayed in the military during the 1950's it is possible for him to have been a Korean War Vet.

How did the Korean war reflect the issues of its time?

The Korean War was the FIRST "Hot" battle of the Cold War. The Cold War began in 1945, which was the dawn of the "Atomic Age."

My Husband was a Korean war vet. When he dided I called theVeterans office about widows pension and was told I was notnot entitled to his pension?

Your husband is not a war veteran. He was an animal veterinarian,

How many us army soldiers served in the Korean war?

well it varied from the pooped on veteran and the other ones but around a fart in a shoe

Were the Korean people strong in the Korean War?

Yes! That is why Korea is still standing strong and booming today! :D

How did the USSR affect the outcome of the Korean War?

Joseph Stalin supported the North Korean attack in South Korea. Without his support there would have been no Korean War, as we know it today. The Korean War was a US-Soviet War fought by proxy. When Stalin died in 1953, the Korean War ended (1953).