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Q: A set of instructions a computer needs to carry out its task is known as what?
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What is the role of computer in government affairs?

The computer has a large role in government affairs. For instance if someone needs information about another country they could look it up.

How did the ENIAC help us?

GLAD YOU ASKEDENIAC was an early government computer system. It was the first electronic computer and it contained 10,000 capacitors,17,000 registersand needs and about 15,000 watts of electricity.

What is the Necessary and Proper Clause?

In short...Also known as the elastic, this gives Congress all the powers it needs to carry out its enumerated powers. More detail...Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution is known as the "Necessary and Proper Clause." It gives Congress the power to make all laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out the duties of the legislative branch. It is also known as the "elastic clause" because it stretches the power of Congress. this was in the McCulloch v. Maryland case in (1819).

Give the basic component of computers and its function?

All computers currently available have similar components and functions. The obvious component is the System Box. This is most obvious in Desktop Computers. The system box used to be called the CPU - wrongly considering the confusion that caused. What the system box contains are things like a power suplly to power everything, the memory to do the work required and also to store the answers obtained fro the work, and the heart or mircroprocessor to actually do everyhing needed. The second component is the Screen to show you what information you are giving the computer, any message the computer needs to tell you, and the results the computer has come up with. The thrid component is the Keyboard to enter information into the computer, give the computer instructions on what to do with the information, and were to send the results to.

What is personal Computer?

Refers to users working on their own computer rather to a terminal to a mainframe.

Related questions

Why you cannot operate a computer without computer software?

A computer needs instructions to perform a task. There are many aspects of a computer, such as all the internal parts, the peripherals, and the software components. A computer needs hardware to store and process information, and needs software instructions to do anything for us. If there was no software at all on a computer it would merely be a box of parts. There would be no software telling the computer to show information on the output, and no software to accept instructions from the input.

Where are the instructions stored that the computer needs when's it starts up?


What is a set of instruction that a computer needs to carry out its tasks?


Why does ROM store all the instructions for starting a computer?

Because - the computer needs a specific set of instructions to start -up. The instructions held in ROM initialise the hardware and instruct the computer to load the operating system (and where to find it on the hard-drive).

Electronic instructions that the computer hardware uses?

When a computer starts up it needs to check various things that may stop the computer from starting properly. These instructions are contained in the micro-processor that is installed as part of the computer. These instructions are long, detailed, and what most people normally do not worry about

What is the core hardware in a computer system?

CPU: Also known as the central processing unit, it is the core component of the entire computer. When executing all instructions such as data operation and transmission, it needs to follow the guidance of the central processing unit. As the heart of the entire computer, it controls all the information processing of the computer.

Why computer needs binarry?

the computer does not understands the numers and alphabets , it only recognizes 0 & 1, which is known as binary digits.

What holds all the instructions the computer needs to start up?

it is the ROM . The ROM has firmware which controls the booting up of the computer during start up. The booting software, known as BIOS (Basic Input Output System) give instructions to the POST (Power On Self-Test) which then runs tests to on the computer to make sure that all the devices are well connected to the computer. Sometimes this process is so fast that when observed, it appears as if there is are no tests being run by the POST process.

What is the role of input and output devices in computer systems?

Input unit of CPU needs instructions to carry out operations.Users must give the input.Hence we need input device. Output unit gives us the desired result.Hence we need the output device.It is the communication medium between user and the computer. Without input nd output units,there will not b a computer.

What do mean by instruction execution?

If you mean a command from a computer, it merely means to click on that icon to initiate the sequence of instructions (or maybe just one action) that the computer is waiting to execute (perform) but needs you to give it the 'ok'.

Do movies you have downloaded from iTunes carry on downloading after you have disconnected your iPod and turned off your computer?

Movies, or any other file, are downloaded by the computer so it needs to be switched on to perform the downloading task.

IS the CPU the temporary storage location for all the data and instructions the computer needs when it is running?

No. The CPU is NOT a storage device. It is where the computer does the "thinking" and actual data processing. In fact, the CPU IS the computer itself.