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natural monopoly

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Q: A monopoly permitted by and regulated by the government for its greater social good such as a telephone company?
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What has the author Edo Hans Ten Broek written?

Edo Hans Ten Broek has written: 'Marketing practices of a regulated monopoly' -- subject(s): Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Canada, Metropolitan Toronto, Monopolies, Telephone

Why are monopolies illegal?

They are not. Although some like for example con Edison are but, they are a "natural / limited monopoly" in other words they are extremely regulated by the government.

What is traditional monopoly?

A traditional monopoly can be considered whenever a single company controls the vast majority of an industry. In 1984 the US Federal Government split up AT&T due to the corporation having a monopoly on the telephone service industry.

What is lazy monopoly?

In a "Natural Monopoly" to prevent companies from exploiting their monopolies with high prices, they are regulated by government. Typically, they are allowed a fixed percentage of profit above cost. But this type of regulation can lead to inefficient high costs, since the monopoly is guaranteed a profit. Thus economists call this a "lazy monopoly."

How a government is involved in creating a monopoly?

The government can create a monopoly when, in doing so, it is in the interest of the public good.

Why are monopolies regulated by the government?

Monopolies are regulated to protect consumers. An unregulated monopoly can charge prices higher than the efficient level of production which causes some consumers to be left out of the market. Governments can combat this by breaking up monopolies with antitrust laws and turning monopolies into public entities.

What fame or profit did Alexander Graham Bell get from inventing the telephone?

He started a telephone company that eventually became a monopoly.

What is a sentence using the word monopoly?

The monopoly was broken up by the government.

Is workers compensation fund in Utah a monopoly?

No. A monopoly is when a company dominates a product or service. This prevents competition by other companies and makes prices higher for consumers. A good example of a monopoly was the telephone company Bell Telephone. Before the company was broken up the only telephone service to consumers was Bell. If a consumer wanted a phone they had to buy or rent the phone from Bell and all long distance/ local calls were only done through Bell Telephone. A workers compensation fund is a government agency and controlled by the state. It is a fund that employers and employees pay into so if a worker is hurt they can file a claim.

Give some examples of monopolistic competition?

Utility companies generally have a monopoly, but it is highly regulated by government. Some telecom companies had state-sponsored monopolies until recently (see Comcast/AT&T in Mighican).

Is a government monopoly one that is created by the government for the sole reason of making money for government use?

No. A government monopoly refers to a situation in which the government owns all the outlets for a particular good or service.

Is Ma Bell a telephone company still in business?

The Ma Bell telephone company is currently not in business anymore. Ma Bell was originally led by AT&T and was once a monopoly. The monopoly was broken up in the 80's.