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Q: A mans marksmanship scores are 6 and 10 respectively on two trials If he wishes to average 9 on three trials what must his third score be?
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How do you calculate an average of trials?

To find the average when you're doing Trials, add up all the numbers.

What is the equation to solve for average acceleration?

AnswerAcceleration = v2 - v1.........................timeAverage Acceleration requires you to average the the initial velocity of your trials and the ending velocity of your trials. You must also find the average for your time trials. Once you achieve these numbers, just plug them into the above formula and you can solve for average acceleration.

When you are doing an experiment that will have multiple trials how do you handle averages chemistry?

To calculate the average for multiple trials in a chemistry experiment, add up the results of all the trials and then divide by the number of trials conducted. This will give you an overall average value that represents the combined results of all the trials. Averaging helps to minimize the impact of outliers and provides a more reliable estimate of the true value.

What does the expected value of a binomial distribution with n trials tell you?

average number of successes

How did Samuel Parrish contribute to the Salem Witch Trials?

There was no Samuel Parrish in Salem during the witch panic. However, if there's a typo and you were asking about Samuel Parris... Parris was the reverand of the church in Salem Village and the father and uncle respectively of the first to of the afflicted. He played up the bewitchment in the early stages, some believe, to keep the public's mind off how much they wanted to fire him. As the trials progressed, he continued to support the trials.

Why is it best to use the results of three trials rather than a single trial for determining the density?

This helps to ensure consistency. An average of three trials is more credible than just one...-Brandon

In a controlled experiment how do the number of trials and sample sizes effect the results?

The number of trials and sample sizes generally increase the accuracy of the results because you can take the average or most common results in the experiment

What trials where there in the Roman Emperor?

The Romans had civil trials, criminal trials and treason trials.

Did people accused in the Salem witch trials all have something in common?

Everyone accused tended to be on the normal side but some were more on the edge of society. When people who weren't average and everyday, people in power began to stop believing the accussations. And when a relative of the governor, William Phips, was accused, he halted the trials and wrote to London to get an order from Parliment and the Crown to dissolve the Trials' court and end the trials completly.

The probability of an event is 20 percent How many times should you expect this event to occur in the given number of trials 15 trials 40 trials 75 trials 120 trials?

15 trials: 3 times 40 trials: 8 times 75 trials: 15 times 120 trials: 24 times But don't bet on it.

What is the meaning of critical and noncritical trials?

Critical trials are trials that evaluate the main objectives of a study, while non-critical trials are secondary or exploratory trials that may provide additional information but are not essential for the main study outcomes. Critical trials are typically pre-specified in a study protocol and have a higher impact on the overall study results compared to non-critical trials.

What kinds of trials or hearings were at the Salem trials?

Bench trials, meaning the judges decided the verdict.