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This represents the installment plan, which was established in the 1920s to enable people to buy goods over an extended period of time. This was one of the precursors to the Depression as it was a sign of fundamental weakness of superficial economic prosperity.

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Q: A dollar down and a dollar forever represents what type of credit?
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What does a dollar down and a dollar forever mean?

It refers to the easy line of credit that can lead to indebtedness, through installment or time payments.

What does a dollar down and dollar forever refer to?

I think you mean "dollar down, dollar a week." In simple terms, it means "buy now, pay later."

Can you get a 9000 dollar motorcycle loan with a credit score of 600 and 2000 down?

Sounds obtainable.

What does A dollar down a dollar a week mean?

It probably means that you are buying something on credit, or you are paying for a service over time or a continuous service. So, for example, you would pay $1 on day zero, and then every week you would pay $1. This might continue forever if its a continuous service, or at some point you might pay off the product or service and the payments would cease.

When was Dollar Down created?

Dollar Down was created in 1925-09.

What are the release dates for Dollar Down Dollar a Week - 1913?

Dollar Down Dollar a Week - 1913 was released on: USA: 23 April 1913

What would be the down payment of a 80000 dollar car if you have decent insurance and credit and all that?

The down payment will depend upon how much you want your payments to be. Most places like to see around 20%, which would be around $16,000.

What can happen if you finance a 20000 dollar car and don't make payments for a year?

the possible thing that could happen is your car gets repoed and your credit goes down the toilet for that mistake

What can bring down your credit score?

you credit score will go down if you are not paying your monthly bills on time, in order for you to increase your credit score you have to pay your credit bills on time or in full.

Does your credit score go down if you are denied a loan?

yes your credit score goes down everytime you apply

How long is Cyopets going to be down?

Forever. It has officially been shut down.

When will the US dollar collapse?

It does not tell when the US dollar will collapse. A dollar collapse is when the dollar goes down really quick.