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Adjectives are words that describe, so pick any 5 words that describe Adolf Hitler. You could pick words that describe him physically (short, slim, mustached, dark-haired), or you could pick words that describe him more emotionally (neurotic, megalomaniac, anti-semite, charasmatic, mad, mass-murdering). An adjective fills the blank in the statement "Adolf Hitler was a _____________ man."

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Q: 5 adjectives that describes Adolf Hitler?
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In 5 words buddy, Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.

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War Stories with Oliver North - 2001 The Last Days of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich 5-64 was released on: USA: 8 May 2005

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Adolf Hitler and the Nazis killed the: 1-Jews 2-Gypsies 3-Homosexuals 4-Political opponents of the Nazis 5-Communists 6-Jehova's Witnesses 7-Poles 8-Frenchmen 9-Hungarians