She has moon face from high doses of prednisone.
have you been bitten by a insect wealsi have glands all over our face could possibly be a swollen gland do you feel under the weather or is you whole face swelling if so consult you gp.
I thinks so, it seems like they are trying to hide her stomach on the show and her face is swollen.
i think so, because Jeff hardy with Beth since 1999. by dory jerry No there not Jeff works for my anut and i have asked him face-to-face
Lets face it. On the Jerry Springer show a most of them are out of work actors. So they may get paid, all tho it is supposed to be real. Jerry Springer doesn't book the guest himself of he can pretend that it is real. Like Adam West on batman Jerry Springer plays it straight. So be good to your selves and each other.
It could be a number of things from poison to an allergic reaction. Take him to the vet immediately so he can be treated quickly.
I twisted my ankle this morning and it is so swollen I can not get my shoes on.
I know they can cause swelling, but I'm not sure of numbnesstingling of the face.
the possesive word for jerry is jerries i think so>>>.
Jerry Adriani was born on January 29, 1947, in So Paulo, Brazil.
Well a lot of people dress as Santa to make children happy so Jerry Garcia might be one of them. Another answer: GD keyboardist Vince Welnick told me...."Jerry is like Santa Clause, man. If you ever needed anything Jerry was there." So yes, Jerry was Santa for real.
I believe so.