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Glasgow Coma Scale-GCS

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Q: What acronym is used to determine the level of response for a casualty?
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When assessing a casualty the three things to determine are?

When assessing a casualty, you should determine the casualty's level of consciousness, breathing status, and any life-threatening bleeding. These three key factors will help you prioritize the care needed and respond effectively in an emergency situation.

What three things need to be monitored in order to find your operant level?

To find your operant level, you need to monitor response rate, response latency, and response accuracy. Response rate refers to how many responses you make in a given time period, response latency refers to the time it takes to make a response after a stimulus is presented, and response accuracy refers to how correct your responses are. Tracking these three factors can help determine your operant level.

How do you get to level 2 on casualty?

you die

How do I beat level 2 on Casualty?

be active

How do you bet level 3 on casualty?

try harder

What is acronym BAL?

In medicine and police work, the acronym BAL stands for Blood Alcohol Level.

What is the acronym BAL?

In medicine and police work, the acronym BAL stands for Blood Alcohol Level.

What does the acronym SLA engine stand for?

Service Level Agreement, a common acronym in the computer world

What does the acronym AGL stand for?

Above Ground Level

What does Acronym SLA stand for?


What are the parts to treatment shock?

Treat any cause of shock which can be remedied (such as external bleeding),lay the casualty down, keeping the head low,raise and support the casualty's legs (be careful if suspecting a fracture),loosen tight clothing, braces, straps or belts, in order to reduce constriction at the neck, chest and waist,insulate the casualty from cold, both above and below. Contact the emergency service,check and record breathing, pulse and level of response. Be prepared to resuscitate the casualty if necessary

What is the acronym for Denver?

Denver sits approximately one mile above sea level. The acronym for Denver is the "Mile High City".