It is called narcolepsy.
Falling asleep: voluntary Being put to sleep: involuntary
falling asleep
Erm...falling asleep?
I dislike my foot falling asleep.
People aren't concious when they're asleep.
They're asleep, don't wake them!
Insomnia is a disorders that causes individuals to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
Falling asleep while driving and getting in an accident can occur a fine and/or misdemeanor. However, if serious physical injury or death occurs as a result of falling asleep, the legal penalty can be upgraded to a felony.
Babies may moan when falling asleep due to a normal part of their sleep cycle called the "transition phase," where they may make noises as they move from light to deep sleep. This is typically nothing to worry about and is a common behavior in infants.
Hypnotic drugs are often prescribed to those with sleeping disorders or trouble falling asleep. The chemicals in the drugs are released at certain times to aid in falling asleep, or staying asleep.