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Retirement is usually a joy for most people. They make plans for it years ahead of time, thinking fondly about what they will do with their free time. They might plan vacations or dream of spending more time with their grandchildren. However, sometimes making the transition from work to retirement can be a difficult one - especially if the retirement was unexpected.

Feeling the Stress

Most major life changes are stressful, and retirement certainly qualifies as a major life change. In fact, it has been ranked as one of the top 10 life stressors, just after reconciling a marriage. Thirty percent of men who retire actually feel that their retirement is at least partially involuntary. In most of these cases, the men must retire due to a health concern. Both the health concerns and the retirement can negatively impact a person's body, mind and spirit.

One of the biggest complaints noted by involuntary retirees is the feeling that they have lost control of their lives and their independence. Depression and poor physical health may be right around the corner, and chronic stress contributes to several different health conditions:

If you are suddenly forced to face retirement, you may find yourself in the midst of financial and social difficulties as well. You lose daily interaction with coworkers who have become like your family or close friends. If work was also your primary source of social interaction, you may initially feel isolated. Retirement also brings about a change in the family dynamic. Initially this can be challenging for the retiree and for his or her family members.

Those who retire unexpectedly don't have enough time to prepare themselves for the change mentally and financially. Trying to manage your finances with less money may require significant sacrifices or even a major move. Those who don't deal with the financial changes may quickly find themselves in greater and greater debt.

While sudden retirement can be a very difficult and challenging time in your life, it doesn't have to lead to depression or debilitating stress. It is important to keep your eye out for the signs and symptoms of these negative effects so that you can deal with swiftly and effectively and learn to enjoy the time you have to do the things you always wanted to do.

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