

does leukimia kill you

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Does leukimia kill you
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Is this leukimia terminal? I myself have been treated for leukimia.

How do you cure a leukimia?

Treatment for leukemia can involve chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or stem cell transplant. The specific treatment plan depends on the type of leukemia, its stage, and the individual's overall health. Close monitoring and follow-up care are essential to manage and treat leukemia effectively.

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Is leukimia a single celular disease?


Can you prevent yourself from getting leukimia?


Does leukimia make your head bigger?

Umm, no.

How long does leukimia last for?

for ever in till its diagnosed

Is leukimia a chronic medical disease?

There are two types, acute and chronic.

Can an 80 years old person be cured from leukimia?

no, theperson will die painfully.

How do you care leukimia?

If you are referring to medically, there are many ways to treat Leukemia and it depends on the type.