All the time? Nonstop? Nobody needs to wear underwear all the time.
yes all the time
You bet you do. ALL THE TIME.
No. Men and women wear underwear to bed all the time and nothing bad happens to them.
Yes they do and it'd commin I do all of the time
All the time
Period is when blood comes out of your vagina and you need pads or tampons to stop it from going onto your underwear. It doesn't hurt at all and you don't lose blood from your body.
possibly your diet. . . . severe constipation can be a main factor for all the other symptoms you describe.....get blood tested for diabetes as well ......... You could also be pregnant, those are symptoms of pregnancy.
Congratulations, you got your period! You will pee blood and a little tissue all day for a couple days...there will also be blood in your undies. You might want to tell your mother or someone you trust. Use pads or tampons too.
well if there is just a small amount of blood and it isn't a lot that means you havent necessarily started your period, before i started my period i had this same situation as you. I didn't think anything about it at all, but you will soon know if and when you have started, good luck :) x