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Q: Your urine is a foggy yellow color what does that mean?
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What does it mean when your urine is a very light almost clear foamy and has an odor?

Why is my urine very light yellow almost clear in color and has an odor and is foamy?

Does yellow urine mean that you are pregnant?

Yellow urine is normal, especially if you haven't been drinking enough or peed for a long time, like in the morning. Has nothing to do with pregnancy. Take a test if you want to know.It's due to excretion of urochrome, a blood pigment. Urochrome is a yellow-colored pigment that gives the color to urine.

What it it mean by darkest yellow in urine?

The darkest yellow in urine means many antibodies and antigens have been killed.

Your urine has gone from a pale yellow to a darker shade of yellow what does this mean?

If you have a pale yellow urine to a darker shade means that you are well hydrated to less hydrated when urine becomes concentrated.

What is the color of urine from a person with normal fluid intake?

If "normal" fluid intake is assumed to mean a properly hydrated person, urine should be clear to slightly pale yellow; the less colour, the better.

Does change in color of urine mean you are pregnant?

No ususally darker urine means you need to drink more water. The color of urine is not a sign of pregnancy.

What are the 2 colors of pi?

yellow and white and i mean urine

What does it mean when your urine is thick?

Thick ... never heard of that ... Color, yes - very yellow: you are dehydrated and need to drink more water Pale yellow to almost clear: you are hydrated and drinking the appropriate amount of water.

What color is loud Yellow what dove this joke mean?

When someone says that color is a loud yellow it means that it is a bright yellow. It can mean a lot of different things.

What does it mean when your urine gets brighter?

Bright urine can be caused by a variety of factors, such as certain foods or vitamins, dehydration, or medical conditions like liver issues or urinary tract infections. If your urine suddenly becomes consistently bright and you are concerned, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

What does it mean if your favorite color is yellow?

Some say that when your favorite color is yellow, you are a very cheerful person.

Does bright yellow urine mean you failed a drug test?

no. bright yellow urine means you are dehydrated. which is a common symptom after you get high, that's why before a drug test u want to drink as many fluids as possible to flush through your system. which usually makes it clear. beer tends to work because it flushes your system quickly. -I have never heard of it meaning you are dehydrated, but I know for a fact it is the vitamin b12 leaving your body that causes the urine to be bright yellow.