They should have drank the juice
If you have ingested hydrogen peroxide and are vomiting, seek medical attention immediately by calling emergency services or visiting the nearest hospital. Do not try to induce further vomiting and avoid drinking anything else until you receive medical guidance.
Do not mix hydrogen peroxide with bleach or vinegar, as it can create harmful chemical reactions.
It is not recommended to make hydrogen peroxide at home as it can be dangerous. Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that should be handled with care and purchased from a reputable source.
After a DUI I drank
Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted with water and used as a gargle but should never be swallowed. In the event you do swallow concentrated hydrogen peroxide, drink water and DO NOTattempt to vomit. Contact your physician should you begin to feel ill.
Hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a cool place because the cold air causes decompasition to slow down. Hydrogern peroxide spontaneously decomposes into oxygen and water but the process is slowed when it is properly stored.
The correct way to say the sentence is "They drank their milk." "Drunk" is the past participle of "drink" and should not be used in this context.
in a brown bottle in a brown bottle
I drank some by accident I'm freaking out man!!!! The worst thing that can happen to you is that you get a bout of diarrhoea.
She should have had more stayed away from friends She should have had more time to spend She should have died when she was born She should have worn the crown of thorns She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have stood out in the crowd She should have made her mother proud She should have fallen on her stance She should have had another chance (x2) She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have stayed away from friends She should have had more time to spend She should have died when she was born She should have worn the crown of thorns She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son She should have been a son
Hydrogen peroxide is a very drying solution, and can impede, or interfere with the natural healing process. You should only use Hydrogen Peroxide on a wound if directed by a medical physician.