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Q: Your husband cheated and had a baby do you have rights to the baby?
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You had a baby by a man that is not your husband does he have rights?

Sure does, he is the father.

How can you forgive your husband if he cheated you and have a new baby in another woman?

You can't. If your husband is STILL cheating on you after you found out, divorce him.

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No but Aphrodite cheated on Her Husband with meny guys including Ares

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You cheated on him

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Because while he was gone she cheated on him, now he wants nothing to do with her and her bad image in the town.

Can a wife charge a husband with desertion if she cheated on him?

No, a wife can not have her husband charged with desertion if she cheated on him. Adultery is grounds for separation and divorce.

How do you get my ex husband back when i was the one that cheated?

If you cheated on your husband then that means you did not love him in the first place. If you truly loved him, you would not have cheated. So in the end, basically your actions are irreversible.

If you get married before you have the baby who has legal rights to the baby my husband or the father?

Depends on your state. In MI, the legal father of the child is the mother's husband. If your child's father is not going to be your husband, do the right thing and let him be involved.

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Yooh leave yoohr husband and he leave his gf cause they both cheated on yall!!!!!!!

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What rights does a husband have to baby with a mistress?

Your husband has the right to raise the baby if he is the father. By law a man needs to support that child till he or she turn legal age. The only question now is, if your husband knows about the child will he leave you and move in with his mistress and his baby. He is in a big mess right now if that baby is his..

Will a husband who cheated will always experience guilty feelings for what he did?

Maybe, or maybe not. Depends on who your husband is.