Slight discomfort or even pain in a back.
the brain releases certain chemicals in the brain resulting in a slight discomfort in the abdomen
Cervical cryotherapy, or freezing, usually lasts about five minutes and causes a slight amount of discomfort.
An irritant is a substance that caused slight irritation or some sort of discomfort to the body. Can also be anything that is constantly annoying or distracting
Tubal ligation is a form of birth control and there is only a slight risk of pregnancy after the procedure has been done. The objective of a tubal ligation is to block the fallopian tunes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries down the fallopian tubes, becoming fertilized and implanting in the uterus Yes. You still ovulate after a tubal ligation and have normal monthly periods with all the associated discomfort. A woman who has their tubes tied still ovualtes, but the egg can't be fertilized because the egg and sperm can't meet.
Any "out-of-the-oridinary" vaginal bleeding, whether heavy or slight should be checked by your gynecologist. If accompanied by pain on either side, there's the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg has implanted somewhere outside of the uterus.. usually in a fallopian tube and can be very, very dangerous (even fatal) if not caught before the fallopian tube bursts.
Before a woman's period, she will retain water. That will cause a temporary slight increase in breast size.
you may feel some discomfort with cramps and a slight tummy ache, but some over the counter meds like Midol will work wonders.
9 months of slight-moderate discomfort, followed by your life changing in an instant when God blesses you with a wonderful (and beautiful) responsibility; fills you with an unending love.
If you have had any sexual intercourse with any man recently then yes, there is a chance.
Embedding of the foetus is when the foetus embeds itself in the uterus. Sometimes it can cause a bit of slight discomfort. Ectopic pregnancys also have the similar reported feeling
Their quills are like a human's hairs. They grow in their skin and removing one could cause slight discomfort for them, but not severe pain.