either he wants something to remember her by
or he still got feeling for her
You should be confronting your ex and telling him you do not like his girlfriend asking your children about your new boyfriend and if it keeps up he will only be able to see his children at your home or without his ex girlfriend.
get over it and move on
I am not sure on why your girlfriend would save a picture of an ex boyfriend after you told her you did not feel comfortable with it. She could still have feelings for the guy or maybe she just keeps it for memories.
ask him if he is comfortable naming his ex`s names and then iif he is when he is done ask him if he is over all of them
It means the ex boyfriend still likes the ex girlfriend.
i wont disturb him
Depends on how often he updates his facebook/myspace page. Maybe he just hasn't had the time to change the pictures?
be yourself
She probably did it to make the ex- boyfriend jealous.
He had a girlfriend. Her name was Kasey. They are not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore.
dump him he obviously prefers his ex to you!
If it is an ex-boyfriend, then it shouldn't matter...right?