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Dating is not always done for the purpose of finding a lifelong partner, for marriage and child raising. It is often done just for fun. When things start to get serious, then you have to think about just how serious you want to get. Men in particular often have a fear of commitment. You don't want to find yourself committed to something that you will later regret. And sadly, many marriages do not work out well, so there actually is something to fear, it is not just neurosis.

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Q: Your best friend and you really like each other and you have been talking about getting together and moving forward in your relationship but now he is saying he wants to stay friends why is this?
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How long does it take an ex-boyfriend to get back together with you when you have been best friends since grade school?

You are getting things confused. You were friends first then it turned into love and you became a couple. Although friendship and love are very closely connected things do change when the relationship turns serious. There is more stress on the relationship when going together. Some people decide to keep things the way they are and remain friends because they fear if they should become a steady couple it will change all the fun and relaxing good times they have together as friends. Ex means just that. They are no longer connected to you or you to them. You opened a door from just friendship into a romantic relationship and for whatever reason you have split-up. It too difficult for a couple who were friends once, then lovers to go back to being friends. I am sorry to say, but it's time you either moved on or contacted you ex to see if you can repair your relationship.

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Probably not. You don't live near him and you are not as rich as he is so you would not be getting together long enough to make friends with him.

How can you have a relationship when the girl's friends are getting involved and annoying?

Talk to them about what you are feeling because of this invasion into your privacy. Try to work something out. You need to tell your girlfriend that either she tells her friends to butt out of your relationship, or you will. Your relationship is between you and her, not you, her and her friends. If your girlfriend is not willing to tell her friends that they need to butt out, then that should speak volumes to you as to what you need to do. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who allows her friends to get in the middle of your relationship? But, to be fair to her, and look at the other possibilities, what is it about you or the relationship that makes her friends feel they need to get involved? Do you treat her in an abusive manner? Do you cheat on her? Do you try to monopolize her time and get jealous or upset if she spends time with her friends? If you answer these questions honestly, and can honestly answer "yes" to any of them, then you have to admit it's natural for friends to care how another friend is being treated, and change your treatment of your girlfriend.

Why he tells his ex he is seeing you?

To demonstrate to her that he has moved on from their old relationship, he has a new girlfriend and there is no possibility of them getting back together again. Possibly he broke up with her by saying, "we can still be friends" - always a serious error, in my view. And more sensible to wait about 3 months after one relationship ends before beginning a new one.

What are the lyrics to We are Never Ever Getting Back Together?

I remember when we broke up the first time, saying "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space - What? Then you come around again and say baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change. Trust me, remember how that lasted for a day? I say "I hate you," we break up, you call me, I love you. Oooh, we called it off again last night, but oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you, we are never ever ever getting back together. We are never ever ever getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. Like ever. I'm really gonna miss you picking fights and me falling for it, screaming that I'm right, and you would hide away and find your peace of mind with some indie record that's much cooler than mine. Oooh, you called me up again tonight but oooh this time, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, We are never ever ever getting back together. We are never ever ever getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. I used to think that we were forever, ever, and I used to say never say never. Huh, he calls me up and he's like, I still love you, and I'm like, I'm just, I mean this is exhausting, you know, we are never getting back together, like ever. No, we are never ever ever getting back together. We are never ever ever getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me. But we are never ever ever ever getting back together. We, oohh, ohhh, getting back together, we ohh, getting back together. You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.

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It's not gonna happen.

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lack of time together, you flirting with others and other women getting involved with you marriage/relationship

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tell him how you feel. Let him know you have a crush on him and that you think that because he has a long distance relationship he isn't getting the attention he needs or deserves. End by telling you can do it better then her anyways!