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An alt blood test is a test of your liver enzymes. An alt of 70 shows mild to moderate fatty liver, and is not bad.

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Q: Your alt blood test is 70 is that really bad?
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Is an alt blood test result of 71 bad?

yes it maynot be good

Alternator works but isn't charging?

test our your alt. by starting your car and removing pos+ive terminal if it still runs you still have a working alt. if the car dies then alt is bad and if alt is still working make sure batt. terminal are clean and tight. still no charge then you have a bad or weak batt.

What is a blood panel test?

A lipid panel blood test measures fat substances in the blood. This test can determine the amount of good and bad cholesterol in the blood.

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Not charging (bad alt) or it has a draw. Something is drawing power which can be anything that takes electricity or the plates in batt are worn out. test it for voltage, then check alt, if alt light not on, search test vehicle elec for current draw to see procedure.

What is a Lipid panel blood test?

A lipid panel blood test measures fat substances in the blood. This test can determine the amount of good and bad cholesterol in the blood.

Is an alt blood test of 39 bad?

A blood ALT level of 39 is within the normal range for most laboratories, which typically ranges from 7-56 U/L. This value alone is not indicative of a specific health issue, and it is important to interpret it in the context of other liver function tests and clinical symptoms. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and interpretation.

Is busting a blood vessel bad?

Yes, busting a blood vessel can be really bad. Because you can lose a lot of blood and be in risk of dying.

Fainting after blood test?

People do not usually faint when they get a blood test. I got one and I did not faint and I am bad with these things. They only filled to small vials though.

Why is it that when you urinate there is a blood?

get to a hospital QUICK!! There should NOT be blood that is really bad! go to the doctor NOW!

Is taking 13 aspirin pills at once bad?

Yes that could potentially kill you. Thinning your blood that much is really really bad.

What Hurts more A shot or blood test?

When people are scared of having a needle and they tense up, It will hurt more than if you just relax. so, it depends on what you do. But a shot doesn't really hurt and even if it feels a little sour ,its over so quick you cant even really feel it and a blood test is not that bad, its a little prick and then over. Hope I helped with your question xox

Can you pop blood vessels on your face from vomiting?

1st answer) If it is really bad yes, but really no. 2nd answer) It is more common to pop blood vessels in your eyes.