Ask the child how he or she feels about that parent, and if they reveal anxieties or fears, think of ways you can reduce those stress factors. This is a teenager we're talking about, there is a possibility that he or she is simply rebelling. However, there may be some deep-rooted issues that the teen has with the parents, and before any progress can be made, those issues have to be addressed. Good Luck!
When the child is 18.
if the child doesn't want to see the noncustodial parent he doesn't have too. don't force him to do it =)
You have to be 18.
Generally, not until the child is 18.
The one who would be responsible for the child during that time which would be the non custodial parent.
The legal age is 14. (:
at times yes but usually if the noncustodial parent does want to see the child they will be denied visitation rights and not be allowed to see the child