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They are both amphetamines, vyvanse being a d amphetamine and other things like adderal being a l amphetamine, this is the same thing I thought about vyvanse being undetectable until one day I overdosed on it(which is not fun because you can't breath and feel like god put you on fire and made you sweat two gallons all while your trying to tell somebody that you need help with the most unimaginable cotton mouth) and was forced to piss in a cup for my doctor because I wouldn't tell that I was doing it. End result is your doctor and parents sitting around a table with you asking you if you need help withdrawing from crystal meth, and trust me I had the cup half filled with water and probably a drop of piss so trying to fool that pissmastermachine isn't gonna work.

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Q: You take Vyvanse everyday and recently on a urine test you came back positive for methamphetamine how is this possible?
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