suck my big left toe and suck your mums toe nail
Small injuries to the base of the nail cause air in the nail.
def not
well firstly take off all the nail Polish you have on your toe then wait about 3-5 weeks and the tint of yellow should fade
I don't think so
Long term treatment (meaning 3-4 months) with oral medications is best for those people that are at risk of complications because of their toe nail fungus. There are also topical medications, home remedies and alternative medications that can also help treat toe nail fungus.
its called a finger nail bottom is called toe nail :)
It's known as touch nail tingles, commonly referred to as the tinglification process
The end of a finger or toe is called a "nail bed." It is the area where the nail grows and is attached to the tip of the finger or toe.
Allow it to fall off on its own.
A black line on a toe nail may be a bruise under the nail. See a doctor if this does not clear up on its own in a few weeks.