Oxygen itself will not cause sores in your nose. If you are receiving the oxygen via nasal prongs or some sort of pipe that enters the nose, the pipe or prongs can cause irritation of the skin, resulting in sores.
It is always recommended that you leave any type of denture out of your mouth at night when you sleep! Leaving a denture in at night increases your chances of developing sores or infections in your mouth.
If you have been going to sleep late, you get cold sores when you then go to sleep at an earlier time.
tiny stores are every were.. walmart is not a tiny store!!
It is difficult to prevent cold sores; if you are infected, lower the stress on your body, such as not getting a cold or the flu, not getting enough sleep, or staying in the sun for long periods of time without applying sunblock.
Indigestion, fever, stress, allergies, arrhythmia, headache, premenstrual syndrome, lack of sleep, sores, wounds.
Laying or sitting to long on the one spot.and not moving every 2 hours
It is much healthier for your gums to sleep without dentures. It will irritate the gums in your sleep which will result in sores on the gums. The gums need time to rest and to allow normal stimulation to maintain healthy gums. Also the dentures will collect plenty of germs in your mouth during the day, so it is good and recommended to soak them in warm water or a denture cleaner at night. Make sure to keep a routine cleaning of your dentures to insure healthy gums.
So they do not get bed sores. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedsore
its to prevent bed sores
they are little sores in your mouth
Sores inside the mouth are called canker sores.
I suffer from prurigo and it was steadily getting worse but i found a "cure" to control it. Prurigo is nothing but dry skin so moisture soothes it very much so....I had sores EVERYWHERE and since I've done my treatment every night, I only have scars (using bleaching cremes, though!) and my prurigo's are gone. My mother bought me a sauna suit (Wal-Mart) and my treatment is that after I get out of the tub every night I rub Aquaphor (Wal-Mart) or my prescribed ointment, Desoximetasone, on my skin and go to sleep with my sauna suit on. It is HORRIBLE but mine are going away...Of course this does not cure the new outbreaks, but it prevents them and they dont get to be so "messy".