least three days in a week.
In Germany the are 4 working days
20 min. a day, three days a week, at the least.
There are not 5 days in a week. There are 7 days in a week. There are 5 days in the working week for most people, because we have a two day weekend.
The number of working days depends on the company you work for. How many paid holidays are there? Are they open 5 days a week or 6 or 7 days a week?
After working five days in a week time you get two day offs in that week.After working five working days in a week a worker is in titled to get two working daysas a day off.
Generally there are 5 in a working week because Saturday and Sunday don't count
Working out 5 days a week is optimal. You should alternate strength training and cardio each day. This means days 1,3, and 5 are cardio, and days 2 and 4 are strength. Then Week 2 you do Strength on days 1,3 and 5, etc.
5 days
Monday through Friday
Friday is weekly holiday for Muslims. Accordingly the work week start by wither Saturday (for those working for six days a week) or Sunday (for those working five days a week). The majority work five days/week.
Do at least 4 times a week and leave 3 days for the muscles to relax and develop better.