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Not necessarily. It may take a young females menstrual cycle a while to regulate, especially if she is on Birth Control. Someone just have irregular periods. If it takes more than 2 or 3 years to regulate, you should see an OB/GYN and see if you can get things on schedule.

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Q: You only have your period once every 2 to 3 months is something wrong with you?
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If you miss your period for 3 months but you don't feel pregnant is something wrong?

no, nothing is period comes every 4 months and its been like that since last year..and i confirmed my doctor about also so no it is not bad.

Is it normal to have a period for 3 months?

No unless something is wrong with you

You are almost 17 and only get your period once a year is there something wrong?

Yes something is wrong. You are suppose to have a normal period every month.

What does it mean when a girl doesn't get her period for a few months?

Something is wrong she needs a visit to her doctor.

Is it something wrong when you get your period every 21 days?

No, if that is normal for you then you are fine. If you all of a sudden went from 28 days to 21 then something is wrong.

Why do you bleed when your boyfriend finger bangs you?

He is doing something wrong or it is her period. He is doing something wrong or it is her period. He is doing something wrong or it is her period.

You haven't had your period in 9 months What is wrong with you?

lol has your stomach enlarged and you can feel something moving in your womb??

I don't get my period every month what does this mean?

it means something can be wrong with your ovaries go to the doctor :)

Is it really necessary to change my oil every 3,000 miles on a 2009 Impala?

You should follow the manufacturer's recommendation in the owner's manual. This way, if something goes wrong during the warranty period, you will be covered. After the warranty period, you should change the oil every 5000-6000 miles or every 4 months.

You have weird feelings in your lower belly headaches and backaches also you have not had your period in two months could you be pregnant?

yes, if you haven't had you period in 2 months, then something is wrong or you pregnant, because every month a girl is soppost to have there period. If you not sure ask a doctor, or test a pregnantict test.

That is wrong when you did not have your period for 2 months but you know you not pregnant?

Stress can cause the absence of a period.

If you have skipped your period for more than four months but you have not been sexually active?

you maybe need to see the docter because you could have something wrong with you. *_*