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Possibly. In our area, Lyme disease would be a consideration. Best to visit your health care provider for an exam.

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Q: You have woken this morning with a red welt around a bite on your leg which is two weeks old has the bite got infected?
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Is being woken up by hunger in the morning a bad thing?

Yes cuz that means you are fat. And as you know when you are fat you are fat. So if you are woken up by hunger in the morning you are very fat and that is a bad thing!

What is passive voice of wake?

The form of passive verb phrases is - be + past participle.The past participle of wake is woken. So some examples of passive verbs phrases are:is woken, are woken, are being woken.We are wokenat 6:am every morning. - passive sentence.Jack wakes us at 6:00am every morning. - active sentence

How do get back to sleep in the morning when I've woken up?

Snort some melatonin and you'll be out fast. :)

What time were the children woken for work?

4:30 in the morning and they went to bed at their bed time

Why you love the morning class?

Because u would hv just woken up and still feel fresh

What you do when you wake up morning feel like lazy?

Because you have just woken up out of sleep which relaxes the body and it's muscles.

Where can you find Rivali Is a different name it is that song that the soldiers use to get woken up each morning is that right or something like that?

It's 'Revele'.

How many syllables in woken?

There is 1 in woken

What does woken mean in German?

Woken does not mean anything in German, the English word woken, means aufgewacht in German

How many pages does Woken Furies have?

Woken Furies has 436 pages.

Is there really such a word as woken up?

Yes there really is a word such as woken up for example, "She has woken up!"

When was Woken Furies created?

Woken Furies was created on 2005-03-17.