Yes... In fact studies have shown that with the loss of toes there is an increase in penis size
Most people have 5 toes on each foot, but some people have 6 toes. Some people may have less because they have lost some in a accident and some people have 12 toes.
5 toes in a foot! 5 toes in a foot! 5 toes in a foot!
5 toes
you have five fingers and toes to help you balance.
yes. all tigers have 5 toes.
10 toes 5 toes on each foot
a monkey has 5 toes
They have 5 toes per foot, just like every other primate.
One foot: 5 phalangies (toes) two feet: 10 phalangies (toes)
There should be 5 toes on each foot, 10 toes in total.
you have 5 toes on each foot so altogether you have 10 toes.
The feet of the hind limbs have 5 toes.