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There are many other causes of tiredness besides being pregnant.Low thyroid,low blood iron levels,not enough sleep just to name a few.

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Q: You have been extremely tired could you be pregnant?
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Could you be pregnant if you have been extremely tired and lazy for the past week now and temp has been slightly high and wake up hot in the middle of the night?

If you've had sex, there's always a possibility of pregnancy. But with your symptoms, I would recommend seeing a doctor. If you aren't pregnant, it could be anything, from something simple to something serious, that's causing you to feel tired and feverish.

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Many problems cause fatigue and nausea. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is unlikely on the contraceptive implant.

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You could be pregnant. Have a blood test done to see. My Mom had her period with all three of her children until she was 5-6 months along with us.

You have been on the implanon for almost a year now and lately you have been feeling tired and nausea Could you be pregnant?

Many problems cause fatigue and nausea. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is unlikely on the contraceptive implant.

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yes, you can become pregnant after haveing your tubes tied, but not to be nosey but you should see if there is something else wrong in your life also?

Can you get someone pregnant if you've been fixed?

In EXTREMELY rare cases.

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Could be a miscarriage. Go to your doctor ASAP.

My Period Started At The Correct Time But Then Stopped And Now I've Been Bleeding Extremely Light For About 3 Days Why?

Is it possible that you could be pregnant? If so take a test. You could just be having a light period

If you have been getting really light headed headaches feeling bad nausea but not throwing up really except a couple times also been having bad gas nipples hurting an tired could you be pregnant?

Well, My sister is pregnant and that's basically everything she's been going through. So I'd advise you to go to a doctor.

Always get my period 2nd day of sugar pills last month it was 3rd day and very short Ive been unusually tired and emotional past month now on 3rd sugar pill still no period Could I be pregnant?

Yes you could

Ive been having pregnancy symptoms sore breasts really tired etc i usually don't get my period till the 11th but i was cramping on the 5th with spotting and was bleeding on the 8th could i be pregnant?

YES please go to your doc ASAP! you could prevent a miscarriage!