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Fresh Urine is sterile so yes you are safe... its only when it has a chance to sit out for a while that is able to grow bacteria.

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Q: You got tricked into drinkin sumones urine embarasing except you spat it out straight away so you didnt swallow any of it are you safe?
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It gets digested with all the other food you have eaten. Though try not to swallow it straight away, a peppermint is to enjoy.

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You should not do anything. You will digest it or it may pass straight through.

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depends on how much... but generally it'll just go straight through the digestive tract.

How meany different types of swallow is there?

There are around 80 different species of swallows worldwide. These species vary in size, coloration, and habitat preferences, but they are all recognized for their aerial acrobatics and swift flight patterns.

How can I help a child swallow a pill?

Sit up straight with their head centered and straight. Tilt their head back only a bit. Leaning too far back can make it harder to swallow. Take a few sips of water to "practice" swallowing. Put the pill on their tongue and then drink the water again. (Sometimes having kids drink through straws can help.) If the pill seems too big for your child to swallow, ask the pharmacist if it's safe to cut it into smaller pieces.

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The future tense of "swallow" is "will swallow."

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A unladen swallow is the opposite of a laden swallow.

Are there swallows in the US?

Yes. The Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Tree Swallow and the Northern Rough-winged Swallow are amongst some of the breeds of swallow found in the USA.

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Of course. If it doesn't say " Do not swallow" then you can swallow it. Simple as that.

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swallow what?

Is it better to swallow or spit?
