Darkrai is actually obtained through event's so try to stay up-to-date with that otherwise your going to have to trade with someone who actually has it.
Yes, the the water does touch the persons face, although it passes through a cloth before hitting the persons face. This givs them the sensation of drowing, without it actually happening.
the answer is empathy empathy- putting yourself in someone elses shoes. pretend what there going through is happening to you. See how you feel. How would you want people treating you when you felt that way?
I throw the book at him (present tense) I will throw the book at him (future tense) I threw the book at him (past tense) through is to go actually into something, like a city, you go through the city.
you should eat there house and clog thrir toilets!!!!!!!!!!!! If you really like them, then you know you really like them. Try visualizing it happening in your head and if you can't go through with it or are embarrassed, you probably like them.
it goes through puberty
look up Nicolaus Copernicus
through telegrams
Because either: 1. The person they want to love is too valuable to them, and they are afraid of hurting said person, and as a result might actually push the person away so as to protect that person from him or herself, or... 2. The person has a warped world view, either through past relationships, or more likely as a result of something bad happening to a parent, such as alcoholism or an affair. This person could be afraid of accidently duplicating it. And it could easily be a mixture of the two.
i have no idea whats wrong! The same is happening to me. someone plz help!:( srry i cant answer your ?
One possibility is peered (looked) as in "She peered through the window to see what was happening."