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A feminine male might become more masculine with testosterone injections. However, these injections come with a variety of unpleasant side effects. It is recommended to see a therapist or other health professional before starting testosterone injections.

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Q: You are a male im very feminine and would testosterone injections improve your masculinity?
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How can Testosterone and anabolic steroid improve for sports?

It is illegal to use testosterone in any sports , as it falls under doping.

How men improve his testosterone gland?

If you are an adolescent teen i suggest you work out. that will definitely improve your testosterone gland and make you bigger and more athletic. at least that's what i was taught in phys. ed and it worked for me.

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Testosterone boosters are supplements that claim to increase testosterone levels, potentially improving sexual performance, libido, and muscle. Some OTC testosterone boosters may be safe when used in moderation, but they cannot permanently raise or maintain your testosterone levels. All forms of OTC testosterone boosters offer their own unique health risks. The term over-the-counter (OTC) refers to a medication that can be purchased without a medical prescription. In contrast, prescription drugs require a prescription from a doctor or other health care professional and should only be used by the prescribed individual.

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Lip injections are given as part of lip augmentation. It is a type of cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of ones lips. Doing this increases the fullness of ones lips.

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Anabolic steroids are a form of testosterone. Your body may reduce the natural production of testosterone when it detects the presence of anabolic steroids. You should consult your doctor to see if it is healthy to introduce testosterone replacement treatment or HGH - Human Growth Hormones - while taking steroids, whether for health or bodybuilding.

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To increase testosterone the easiest way is to increase exercise. Other ways to improve it is to increase zinc, and vitamin d intake.

What would happen if you put testosterone cream on your genitals You're not trying to make it bigger you just want to know?

Testosterone applied externally ~might~ grow a bunch of hair! But it won't increase penis size or improve hardness. If you think the scrotum will get bigger, they won't grow either, sorry.

You have bells palsy and during your recovery you were told to stay away from cereal grain What foods contain cereal grain?

Avoiding Cereal Grain has not been proven to improve bells palsy. However b12 injections or tablets may help improve bells palsy it works on the neurolgical system.

What is the purpose of taking Tongkat Ali extract?

People take tongkat ali extract primarily to boost their testosterone levels. This increase in testosterone purportedly increases libido and improves sexual performance. However, people may also take tongkat ali extract to reduce their mental fatigue and to improve their energy levels, endurance, and stamina.

What is benefit or advantage of testoviron depot injection in male sex life?

Testoviron Depot injection contains testosterone, which can improve libido, sexual performance, and overall sexual function in men with low testosterone levels. It can also increase muscle mass, strength, and energy levels, which may further enhance sexual experiences. However, it is important to use testosterone replacement therapy under the guidance of a healthcare provider to minimize potential side effects and risks.

Does fish oil help testosterone?

Yes fish oil helps in the increase of testosterone levels. First of all, there are many studies showing that fish oil combats insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the hallmark sign of Metabolic Disorder and Metabolic Disorder is associated with decreased testosterone (and erectile dysfunction). The reason is that fish oil has long chain omega-3 fatty acids, which improve insulin response. Source(s):;