

Best Answer

Your skinny. Your bmi is 17, and that means ur anorexic. If you don't believe me here's the website And this is the place that tells you that your anorexic

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Q: You are a 13 years old and weigh 102 pounds your friends tell you your skinny but you dont think so Is 102 pounds a good weight for a 13 year old that is 5'5?
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If you are 14 yrs old 5.2 feet and weight 81 pounds is that fat skinny or average?

I think that's skinny. . .

How much does your brain weigh if you are 96 pounds?

your brain weighs 10 pounds. at least i think. anyway your already skinny. so don't worry about your weight.

What is the avrege weight for a 12 year old?

around 85 to 90 pounds excuse me but I am 113 pounds and I think being that small waisted is way to skinny, but of course I am 5"2. I think it all depends on height.

Why do people think I am skinny when I am 140 pounds?

Depends on your height.

You are 14 years old 5' 4'' and weigh 93 pounds my friends all think im skinny but when i look in the mirror i don't feel that way what do you think?

your bmi is below normal. you are underweight

You are 14 years old 5' 4'' and weigh 93 pounds my friends all think im skinny but when i look in the mirror i don't feel that way?

Don't let what others say affect how you feel about yourself. If your friends call you something, sometimes you start thinking that you are. Don't. YOU know if you're skinny or not so just tell them so. and you are skinny......

Ok I my height is 5'3 and my weight is 90 pounds and in 8th grade is that bad?

Ok, my weight is 119 pounds and im in 6th grade. i think you're pretty skinny cause im not fat. my height is 4.69 ft. im not sure if that's good or bad.

Chantelle paige weight?

I think she weighs about 105lbs she is really skinny.

I am 13 years old and I'm 115 pounds if i want to lose 20 pounds how many calories should i eat a day?

Wow 115 lbs that is already the perfect weight if you are 5'3" or so! You shouldn't need to lose weight! Guys don't like stick skinny girls, trust me. You girls think the skinnier the better but none of my buddies like skinny girls.

Am i really too skinny I am 5'10 and 101 pounds im a female and 15.?

Yes, you should gain a lot of weight because good guys think it's cute and sexy.

What is a good weight for a 5'3 12-year old?

I am 5' 3'' and i weigh 95 pounds and kids at school say im way under weight so i don't really know what i think is: 95-110 pounds so if your in there your just right well accturely i am 5'3 and are 12 and all my friends say i am to skinny and my body is grose because i am much to skinny and say i am way under weight and i am 86 pounds so i think it is between 100-120 pounds but i am no expert so the person above is perfect so ha i'm 12 and 5'3 and I'm way under weight, I'm 78 yeah and my friends all think I should eat more and lots of people think I'm bulimic. So I would say the average weight would be like 90-115.

Is it normal for a eleven years old boy to weight 55 pounds and I think I am 4'6 how can I gain weight and height?

HI, Wow you are Skinny usually 11 year olds weigh about 90--100 around there! U need to eat more :)