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It sounds like the onset of menopause. When this occurs, you'll find normal reproductive related functions going a bit wonky. Look closely and see if you're experiencing other symptoms that might indicate menopause.

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Q: You are 49 and you have had irregular periods for over two years now your last proper period was 5 months ago but you had spotting after three months is this normal?
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You have been on the pill 10 years came off it a week ago and now spotting is this normal?

It may take three to four months for your body to find its rhythm. So, spotting, irregular periods and such are part and parcel of that. Be sure to visit your doctor for excessive bleeding if that happens. Be patient.

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It can take months for your periods get back to normal, especially if you are breast feeding you can miss periods or have long times between them. You can still get pregnant while breast feeding and having irregular periods though so you should still use contraception.

On the pill is it normal to have spotting between periods?

No this isn't normal

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There could be a possibility u could be pregnant specially if u have missed a period the spotting is usually normal in early pregnancy. I would say take a pregnancy test if its negative then since u have irregular periods its normal that spotting happens once in a while sometimes ur body is just tryin to get ur periods a bit stable. I hope this helps let me know good luk!

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Irregular bleeding and spotting is a normal side effect of using hte contraceptive implant. In exchange for this inconvenience, you get top-tnotch pregnancy prevention.

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Yes, it is perfectly normal to have irregular periods at first. Most girls worry about it at first, but there is no need.

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Yes! they can be irregular up until her twentys, many women have irregular periods to start with and it is perfectly normal.

Will you skip a period on implanon?

You may have irregular or absent periods on the contraceptive implant. YOu may also have extra spotting or bleeding. All of these are normal. If you have sudden absence of bleeding after a long period of spotting, take a pregnancy test.

How long til periods are normal after taking hormone meds?

After you stop the birth control pill, your cycles will return to their natural pattern within a couple of months. If your periods were irregular before you went on the pill, they're likely to be irregular after.

Is it normal after IUD removal to have normal periods for three months then spotting the fourth month?

Your menstrual pattern four months after IUD removal is not related to the IUD. Take a pregnancy test, since your period in the fourth month without birth control was only spotting. If you continue to have spotty periods even with a negative pregnancy test, you can call your health care provider for advice if it's concerning to you.

Is it normal to have to have irregular periods lasting more than 4 months?

This would depend on the individual; however irregular periods are normal for some. But, if you experience pain that lasts too long, you may want to have your OBG check you out. Tell them exactly what is going on, how long it's been going on and any other symptoms...

You take the morning after pill you get your period when your sopposed too and your period is normal but after its done you have spotting is that normal?

Spotting is very normal while on the pill. After a few months you shouldn't have any spotting.