He will be mad. If he doesn't speak to you for a while, then go to his house, talk about what happened, and sort it out. If he still doesn't accept the thought, just break up with him, he is not worth it if he is just going to ignore you.
Maybe he's busy, or is just ignoring you so he can get over the argument. It depends what it was about, and how close you are. Good luck ,though.
depends why he is ignoring you
well...first....you ask him why he's ignoring you...
If he s ignoring you, it's time to move on and find yourself other boyfriend.
by ignoring you
probally if there not going out of there way to talk to you.
well if she's ignoring youmaybe she's going through a phase were she's only atracted to the boyfriend.
either impress him or brake up with him
When your boyfriend is ignoring you it is not a good sign. Talk to him when no one is around, but don't sound desperate.
What should i say. question mark
If he is ignoring you then you too ignore him. Show him that you can be happy without him. if he really cares he will come back.
go up to her and ask her why is she ignoring you that she is being selfish and you dont like it,you miss your sister