I would not choose spanking because basically, it is a child abuse.
so, keeping that in mind i would choose another punishment like grounding them or taking their privileges away, or something like that...
It is called corporal punishment. Capital punishment is execution. That would be a little harsh for bad students
Neither because Amy and Blaze spanking one another is a ridiculous concept and even though it's opinionated I highly doubt either Amy or Blaze would be spanking one another any time soon.
Sure. There are other possibilities for a fair punishment.
Depends on the infraction and prior agreement betwixt you two, as well as possibly the duration of past practices thus far. But I would gauge the punishment severity to the offense. This would also encompass the instrument with which to carry out the action.
It depends on what you did and your age. It also depends on who is doing the spanking. I, personally, do not believe that anyone other than parents should spank a child. A good test of whether spanking would be effective would be to ask you which form of discipline you would choose if you could. If you say being grounded, chances are that you are still of an age where spanking would be effective. If you would rather take the spanking, then chances are you have become too old to be spanked and grounding is the way to go. Spanking is not wrong or immoral. It does not do mental or emotional harm to the child. Children learn obedience and respect from such discipline. However, spanking should never be confused with a beating. What you are spanked with should be considered. I would recommend parents not use their hands, which should always bring love and comfort. Neither would I use anything that could break the skin. Spanking should not leave bruising in any form and should never be on any part of the body except the buttocks or palm of the hand. The spanking should be in private and not cause embarrassment or humiliation, such as spanking in the nude or in front of viewers. If parents are consistent in both their love and discipline, spanking is rarely, if ever, necessary, but again, it all depends on you.
yes and no depending if he has killed a ton of people , then death penalty would be the obivous choice
No. That's child abuse. Aside from the fact that at least one study has shown that spanking doesn't work, what could such a young child have done to deserve punishment? They would have no idea why you are hurting them and would learn nothing.
A birthday spanking (something done as a joke on a child's birthday) is only really appropriate up to the age at which parents would cease smacking their children as punishment, ie probably 5-6 years old. An older child who consents to such treatment most likely has some kind of dependency issues.
A good choice would be "astonished".
Punishment to the body, beatings, lashings, mutilations. This can be a punishment for a prisoner, but only in foreign contries, not the US. It can also mean punishmeant for a child, but in my opinion, the only right 'corperal punishmeant' for a child, would be a spanking. But DEFINATELY not so hard as to bruse the kid; that's abuse!!Corporal punishment is when a child, (usually down south) is whipped, canned, or paddled if they make a mistake or do something bad>
The guillotine will never be a better choice for capital punishment than the other problem riddled methods, because it is equally cruel, and backward. But it would be far more humane than torturing prisoners for 40 minutes or more with drugs while they are strapped down.
Spanking is a form of physical discipline that involves striking the buttocks with an open hand or object. It is typically administered as a form of punishment for misbehavior, often in a parental or authoritative context. However, it is important to note that spanking is a controversial practice and is not recommended by many child development experts due to its potential negative effects on a child's emotional well-being and behavior.