Probably not but it could make you seriously ill. If you start having side effects, I would recommend going to the emergency room to have your stomach pumped.
afer he kissed a girl name tyra and they had sex
If you wanna take a risk of damaging your liver you can do it. It will kill pain Faster and with greater effect. (Never EVER drink alcohol with Panadol paracetamol or you die !)
****what happens****1] if you give panadol to a cat bubbles will come out of its mouth and it will womit and get sick it might even DIE might even be lucky be careful to not give cats panadol****cure****2] give it five fish pieces and let it out in fresh air for 10 mins and give it a rest till one day. this might be cure your cat try it. my cat felt really normal when i did this to my cat good luck on trying
Anne K afer has written: 'Die wahre Aus ubung der Kunst ist religi os: Schleiermachers Asthetik im Kontext der zeitgen ossischen Entw urfe Kants, Schillers und Friedrich Schlegels' -- subject(s): Philosophy, OUR Brockhaus selection
From seconds in the case of solvents, to minutes in the case of heroin, to hours, and to days in the case of Tylenol/Panadol. (The Tylenol method is horrible, very painful!)
Improve the vegatation would die then the herbavores/omnivores would die then the carnivores would die then we would probablly die
It would die die die
The food chain would be bad and all animals would die so what ate the turtles would die and what ate the tutrtles would die and it would keep going it would be awful then we would die! :(
A person would die of dehydration before starvation.
you would die the atmosphere would burn and than you would die
you would die. but slowly
There would have to be a reason why people die, so no.