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No. Pepsin is the active form of a protein manufactured in the stomach called pepsinogen. In order to become active, it has to come into contact with HCl (hydrochloric acid). HCl isn't present in your mouth (I hope!), so pepsinogen, even if it WERE in your mouth, could never become active there.
No, the pepsin enzyme is located in the stomach, the enzymes amylase and lipase are found in saliva in the mouth

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12y ago

No. Pepsin is the active form of a protein manufactured in the stomach called pepsinogen. In order to become active, it has to come into contact with HCl(hydrochloric acid). HCl isn't present in your mouth (I hope!), so pepsinogen, even if it WERE in your mouth, could never become active there.

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Which is not found in the mouth pepsin or ptyalin?

Pepsin is not found in mouth!

What type of environment does pepsin work best?

pepsin would work best at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 C) because it is the average normal body temperature.

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What effect would decreased incubation temperatures have on pepsin?

Pepsin activity would decrease and at a very low temperature pepsin would be inactive.

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What effect would decrease incubation temperature have on pepsin activity?

Pepsin activity would decrease and at a very low temperature pepsin would be inactive.

What substance must be present in the stomach for pepsin to work best?

Pepsin works best in an acidic environment, so the substance that must be present in the stomach for pepsin to work best is hydrochloric acid. This acid helps to activate pepsinogen into its active form, pepsin, which is responsible for breaking down proteins in the stomach.

What would most likely happen to pepsin that traveled with the food from the stomach to the small intestines?

the pepsin would become innactive

Why would you predict the pepsin would not digest starch?

Because Pepsin is the active form of a protein manufactured in the stomach.

What would most likely happen to pepsin enzyme that traveled with the food from the stomach to the small intestines?

the pepsin would become innactive

What are the enzymes that digest your food?

amylase = starch, digestion starts in the mouth, pepsin = protein, starts in the stomachlysosomes.

What is meant by the statement enzymes have optimum operating ranges?

That they work best in the right pH and temperature they were made to work in. Amylase works best in the mouth's pH of about 7, while pepsin works best at a much lower and acidic pH.