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Q: Would passive or active immunity protect you from a bacterial infection you have had before?
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In what two ways do white blood cells work?

protect from bacterial infection increase our immunity

Is it true that the immunity your body develops to protect you from disease is called passive immunity?

No, that is temporary immunity received from another person or from antibodies.

Is the mothers breastfeeding milk - an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

D. Active natural immunity. Breastfeeding provides infants with natural antibodies from the mother's milk, which helps to protect the baby through active immunity.

How are passive immunity and active immunity are similar?

They are similar because they both protect the body and fight against pathogens.

Derscribe the relationship between vaccination and immunity?

they both are used to protect the body from infection

What is one source of passive immunity?

One source of passive immunity is maternal antibodies transferred to the baby through breastmilk. These antibodies help protect the baby against infections until their own immune system fully develops.

What is an example of immunuty?

An example of immunity is when the body's immune system produces antibodies to protect against a specific virus or bacteria. This immunity can be acquired naturally through infection or vaccination, providing protection against future infections.

What is protect in a passive voice?

The passive voice must have the verb 'to be' in the correct tense plus the past participle of the main verb. Here are some examples: I do (active)/it is done (passive) I did (active)/it was done (passive) I am doing (active)/it is being done (passive) I was doing (active)/it was being done (passive) and so on So to change protect into the passive would be I protect (active)/ It is protected (passive)

Tears are considered to be part of what anatomical system?

Tears are considered to be part of the immune system. They contain lysozyme and other substances that protect against bacterial infection.

How does cellular immunity protect the body?

Cytoxic T-Cells differentiate and produce identical clones. They travel to the infection site and release enzymes directly into the pathogens, causing them to lyse and die.

What is the difference between fungal pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia?

as far as I remember, Bacteria make spore to resist and protect themselves from advrse environmental conditions, but forming spore in Fungus is just a step of their reproduction, both sexual and asexual; so bacterial spore is more resistant to harsh conditions rather than fungal spores.Dr. Kaveh Haratian

What is menengitis?

Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, which are membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by a virus, bacterial infection, or even other microorganisms. It is classified as a medical emergency.