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Disability is judged on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, an alcoholic might quality for SSI. There is a movement to get this changed so that it would only pay for treatment, an idea with which this writer agrees.

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Q: Would alcoholism be considered a permanent disability?
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Are alcoholics considered disabled?

Rather than a disability, alcoholism is viewed more as a disease. reference: However you would want to review the insurance policy of the agent/company, i guess..

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In the acute phase, while it is healing, the person most likely has a temporary disability. Whether the person has a permanent impairment depends on how well the fracture heals and whether there are any residual neurological impairments. The person's treating doctor would be in the best position to answer this.

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It really depends on what you are disabled from. Some disabilities have very short durations, and some are permanent. I would recommend following-up with your physician to determine your length of disability.

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You can go to the tag agency and fill out some forms, in return they can give you a TEMERARY disablity parking tag. A knee replacement would be somthing that would "disable" your range of movement, but because it is not permanent, you would not be accepted by society or by societies standards as a disabled person. However, you can manipulate society into accepting you as a a person with a disability if you take on the "disability" role. There is no way to explain what this role invovles, because it is different for each person, but you can use it if society accepts it.

Would knee replacement be considered a disability?

Yes it is considered a disability in all the travel as well as office records, my grandfather had knee replacement when he was 82, now he needs external help sometimes for traveling.

What is a 33 percent permanent disability usually worth in dollars?

There really is not a way to determine the worth in dollars. The .33% would be multiplied by the amount of the settlement.

How would you write a sentence using clinician?

As a clinician, it is destructive to give someone total and permanent disability when they are in fact capable of working, even if it is not at full capacity.

If you need to go on short-term disability to treat alcoholism does your employer need to know that this is the reason?

I doubt it - HIPAA privacy and all. No. Your short term disability insurance company will determine if it is a covered event. All your employer needs to know is that it is a qualifying event. A good HR department would never ask and would not want to know why. There exposure to privacy law violations would be way to high.

How alcoholism has historically been a pandemic?

Alcoholism has been a pandemic in history due to how most people didn't know how to control intake of the substance. They would drink too much, and suffer from mental impairment, or permanent physical issues. It was a substance that people didn't know how to control until there was a societal problem as a result of abusing it.

Would forged signature on disability policy negate policy?

Signature forgery is considered fraud. It is doubtful that you have a valid contract.

Does the Catholic Church consider alcoholism a sin such as adultery?

Yes, and no. The Catholic Church considers alcoholism as in drinking to excessive over a period of time a serious sin. Alcoholism, the condition where the body has become acclimated to a large consumption of alcohol would no longer be considered a serious sin, in and of itself, but the drinking that got you to that point would be considered a serious sin. To be considered a serious sin, free will must be involved, and a free decision. When you get to the point where there is little free will involved and little to no decision then you are looking at other sins perhaps, but no longer the original serious sin of just drinking to excess. Which is not to say that no sin is involved.

What is a example of punishment for alcoholism?

A person can't be punished for being an alcoholic because that would be considered an illegal crime of status. Alcoholics can, however, be punished for their intoxicated behaviors.