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Q: Would a human live a normal life aftering being cloned?
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What do you call a person getting cloned?

A person being cloned is typically referred to as the "original" or the "donor."

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and the baby has not stop moving in the last 45minutes.It started aftering my prescription.Is this normal?

You need to tell us prescription of what medication. Always if you are worried, call your doctor. If something is not being the way it should because of what he prescribed he has to know.

Are people being cloned?

The truth is that some say people are being cloned and others say they aren't. With advances in knowledge of genetics, cloning is certainly possible.

If a baby was 'cloned' instead of 'born' would it have no rights of citizenship under the 14th amendment?

The technology to clone does not mean that the baby would not be "born". It would inherit it's genetics from one person, and be brought to term in a host mother. For it not to be "born", one would have to imagine another technological breakthrough - an artificial womb. However, I think it could be argued that the act of being removed from such a womb - cloned or not - would constitute being "born".

Is it a good idea to use cloned humans for organ transplants?

The prospect of using cloned humans for organs is only a science fiction fantasy. There are far too many ethical constraints that hinder this idea from being implemented. It is illegal to clone humans in many countries around the world. Although it may be technologically possible to clone humans for the purpose of harvesting organs in next 50 - 60 years, whether it will be considered ethical or not is the real question. Is it possible? maybe Is it a good idea? No On the other hand ethics depend on the society in which you live so it may be a good idea Answer If you cloned a human being, they would then be a human being. You would need their permission to use their organs and then you could only use ones that would not cause the cloned human to die or you would be committing murder.

Is human cloning being performed today?

No. But sheep and other animals have been cloned.

If Pokemon events are cloned do they count as being hacked?

no but they have more of a chance of wrecking your game

Was Adolph Hitler cloned?

no thats impossible cloning is one of our most complex technological advances no way could the Germans have figured it out during the 1940's its still very new if hitler could clone he would have made many clones and we would have known about it

What might be a problem for being cloned and what would be the benefits of being cloned?

A problem with cloning is potential genetic abnormalities or health issues in the clone. However, benefits could include organ replacement, studying genetic diseases, or recreating valuable traits in endangered species.

How much of the food on the market is cloned food?

The only people who would have even a semi-accurate account of the amount of cloned food that is being sold today are the companies who are putting it there and government agencies who are allowing them to do it. Cloned food is a lot like genfoods (foods containing ingredients from genetically modified plants or animals). By the time the word about GMOs in the foods we buy at the supermarkets got out to the masses, GMOs were ingredients in almost all processed foods. It will be the same for cloned foods unless enough people speak out against it NOW.

Where were the first cloned plant cloned?

A vast number of plants clone themselves naturally. The ability goes back hundreds of millions of years.

When does it mean when pea plants are described as being true-breeding?

It means they were produce a sexually and werent cloned.