It is not that it is impossible actually 96% of married couples were high school sweethearts and, if he said that then there is def. feeling behind that so there is no telling what could happen
stay with him forever. its his way of showing that he loves you.
Sorry, sometimes he doesn't mean that. Face this fact, he says he'll stay with you forever but he isn't necessarily your soulmate.
Try to trust him. If he loves you he will stay with you forever and make a future with you.
love them and tell them you love them it would stay in there heart forever nd ever
From what I found, it means "Stay with me Forever" in Quileute.
If he wants to be with you forever, he will marry you.
there's no way to MAKE sure they stay with you forever, if you do stay together forever, then it was meant to be, but if not then it wasn't
You know that you will stay together forever if you have gone through a lot of things that would be easier alone but stuck together anyway and have turned others down to be with this one person. Hopefully then you can be certainthat you will be together for many years to come.
There engaged so like arranging to get married, But some couples stay engaged forever though.
Nothing can stay alive forever,so,no.
Stay Forever was created on 1995-01-30.
English: I love my boyfriend forever! Spanish: Amo a my novio para siempre!