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Q: Will you get a sore throat if you do not brush your teeth?
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Bacteria made throat sore?

Bacteria are a very common cause of sore throats. That's why its so important to brush your teeth, if you don't, you swallow all the bacteria in your mouth, allowing them to grow in your throat,but I'm IMMUNE

Can you brush your teeth while you have strep throat?

Yes. Ideally you should brush your teeth, every time you eat something.

How long sore throat teeth away?

5 years

How can not brushing your teeth get you the cold?

The germs are in the back of your throat, & it starts to buildup when you don't brush your teeth. (:

Are knew braces supost to hurt when you brush your teeth?

Yes, because your teeth are sore for a few days after getting braces, so naturally it hurts to brush.

Can you brush horses teeth?

i recommend NOT to brush your hamsters teeth because they an get sore gums and you can by food that helps there teeth like chew sticks but if you would like to brush your hamster teeth do not use tooth paste and use a soft non vibrating Brussel tooth brush at your own risk

How do you know if you have a sore throat?

Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.

What about sore throte?

A sore throat is often caused by viral infections like the common cold or flu. It can also result from allergies, dry air, or irritants like smoke. Remedies include rest, hydration, throat lozenges, and warm saltwater gargles. If symptoms persist or worsen, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.

Why do you get Sore throat?

you can get a sore throat By shouting

How do you spell the word sore throat?

Sore throat is not a single word; it is two words, "sore" and "throat".

Can you spread a sore throat by clearing your throat?

No, clearing your throat cannot spread a sore throat to others. Sore throats are typically caused by viruses or bacteria that are transmitted through close contact or airborne droplets. Simply clearing your throat does not release enough of the virus or bacteria to spread the infection.

How long does it take for the sore throat to go away after having your wisdom teeth extracted?

AnswerIf you wisdom teeth were way back, you might have a sore throat, because the healing is happening back there and the pain will last a few days to a week.But the sore throat can also be related to a cold that you are having at the same time.AnswerI was 30 years old (very healthy) and I didn't have a sore throat, with my wisdom teeth extraction, but did feel like I had the flu. My head, body, ears, and lymph nodes ached for 3 days afterward. Antibiotics, sleep, and a cold pack for exterior swelling/discomfort are *key*.